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At this moment we didnt planned anything to burn some fresh rubber yet.

Posible locations are:
Dek Goes
Olau Vlissingen
Harbour Vlissingen-East

a form of motorsport that emphasizes safe, low-cost competition and active participation. An autocross is a timed competition where drivers navigate one at a time through a temporary course marked by traffic cones, rather than racing on a track with multiple other cars, as in road racing or oval racing. Autocross tends to place more emphasis on car handling and driver skill than on sheer horsepower, and events typically have many classes which allow almost any vehicle, from economy sedans to purpose-built vehicles, to compete. Speeds are slower in absolute terms when compared to other forms of motorsports, usually not exceeding highway speeds, but the activity level (measured in discrete turns per minute) can be higher than even Formula One due to the large number of elements packed into each course. Autocross courses are typically 40 to 70 seconds in length. In addition to being a national-level motorsport in its own right, autocrossing is a good way to learn skills that transfer to road racing, as drivers learn vehicle control and club ethics.

refers to a driving technique and to a motor sport where the driver intentionally skids the rear tires through turns, preserving vehicle control and a high exit speed. A car is said to be drifting when the rear slip angle is greater than the front slip angle prior to the corner apex, and the front wheels are pointing in the opposite direction to the turn (e.g. car is turning left, wheels are pointed right or vice versa), and the driver is controlling these factors

In short, Gymkhana can be called a "technical autocross". Just like in a typical "Auto-X" drivers try to race around a series of cones as fast as they can in the shortest amount of time. However, in Gymkhana, the emphasis is on driver skill and car control. Skill and style are just as important - if not more so - than overall time. Gymkhana courses are set up to challenge all aspects of a driver and vehicle, not just speed. Some Gymkhanas will call for drivers to back up and "park" in a spot before they can run out and perform figure-eights around a series of cones. Other Gymkhanas will have very few cones or course markings - part of the challenge is remembering which cone to go to, when to go there, and what one should do upon arriving at said cone.
Thankfully, Gymkhana USA was simplified a bit; it was set up a bit like a "typical Auto-X" in that the course was clearly laid out, marked with plenty of cones and did not require any random back-tracking. For Gymkhana USA, drivers had to run two courses (which were mirror images of each other) chock-full of narrow right-angle turns, 540-degree loops and high-speed slaloms. Drivers were encouraged to drive as flamboyantly as possible, yet the course was kept narrow enough to keep everyone from trying to drift the whole thing. Hitting a cone gave drivers a +5 second penalty, so getting too tail-happy would hurt drivers more than it would help them. This narrower "drift-unfriendly" course gave the guys in front/all-wheel-drive vehicles a bit of a fighting chance and kept things pretty even.

The Gymkhana name comes from rodeo where cowgirls rip their horses around a short course made up of barrels and obstacles. A close automative relative is autocross which is basically very small circuit racing in a parking lot using a course made up of cones. Gymkhana adds an element of showiness and drifting to the event.

An automotive sport that takes place on an open field or parking lot and requires drivers to skillfully manouver their cars around a series of cones, Slaloms, 180 degree turns, 360 degree turns, figure eight turns or other obstacles using extreme acceleration, braking and drifting.
Similar to "autocross", Gymkhana courses are often very complex and memorizing the course is a significent part of achiving a fast time.

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